Sarcelles Church Building Fund
The “Eglise Biblique Baptiste du Grand Roissy” (Biblical Baptist Church of Grand Roissy) in Sarcelles, France, is in the middle of a three-year lease-to-buy arrangement. Following the lease, the total price that will be needed to complete the purchase of the building is 600 000 euros (presently about $725,000). To this point, through the church members’ own sacrificial giving and donations from other ministries and friends, about 240 000 euros (about $289k) have been raised. In order to complete the purchase, they will need to establish by June 2021 that they will be able to pay the remaining 360 000 euros (about $436k) by no later than the end of 2021. Otherwise, they will need to vacate the facilities. Thank you for your consideration of this ministry need. Whatever you can give will be deeply appreciated by the believers at the Biblical Baptist Church of Grand Roissy.